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The HashRouter is a top level component that manages the routing of your application. It is a client side router that uses hash-values in the URL - providing a single-page application a way to replicate the experience of a multi-page application.

Since hash-routing provides a way for an application to run from a single HTML file, it can be used when hosting on a static file server.

Compared to a browser-router, such as Router, is that this approach is not SEO friendly. Because most search engines do not index the hash portion of a URL, they are only able to see the index page of your application when using this approach.

The root property is used for components that wrap a matched route and require access to the router context, relevant with navigation components that use <A> links.

import { render } from "solid-js/web";
import { HashRouterRouter, Route } from "@solidjs/router";
const App = (props) => (
<h1>Root header</h1>
() => <HashRouterRouter root={App}>{/*... routes */}</HashRouterRouter>,
childrenJSX.Element, RouteDefinition, or RouteDefinition[]The route definitions
rootComponentTop level layout component
basestringBase url to use for matching routes
actionBasestringRoot url for server actions, default: /_server
preloadbooleanEnables/disables preloads globally, default: true
explicitLinksbooleanDisables all anchors being intercepted and instead requires <A>. default: false
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